Commentary by Chris Pressey =========================== This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations. Apple II -------- ### The Applesoft Tutorial * rating: 2 Memories of sitting in the back seat of the car in the midst of a road trip - through the United States, I believe - and trying to puzzle out what they were trying to get at by saying you could make a "subroutine" to draw a horse (with a pink face and orange legs), so that you could have as many horses as you want, where-ever you want them. ### Apple II: The DOS Manual: Disk Operating System * rating: 1 . ### Disk Operating System Instructional and Reference Manual: DOS Version 3.2 * rating: 2 . ### Science Computer Programs * rating: 1 . ### Stimulating simulations for the Apple * rating: 1 . ### Apple II History Chap 1 * rating: 3 . ### Apple Computer, Inc. | Brutal Deluxe Software * rating: 1 Cassette tapes sold by Apple Computer, Inc. ### NuLib Home Page * rating: 1 . ### fadden/fdraw: Fast Apple II hi-res graphics * rating: 1 . ### zajo/appler: Apple \]\[ emulator for MS-DOS, written in 8088 assembly * rating: 1 . ### bocchino/AppleCore: A core language for the Apple II * rating: 1 . ### dschmenk/PLASMA: Proto Language AsSeMbler for All (formerly Apple) * rating: 1 .